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Changing the flow

We offer advertisers a new and agile way of working with their agencies on media.

Wolf manages the process from brief to approval and evaluation. No longer needing all those excels, pdfs and emails.

Our mission is to simplify, ease frustration, and reduce workload for people who work with media.

Transfor­ma­tion without the hassle

Roles and responsibilities can stay in place, with agencies planning and buying media, but faster and with more agility.

The platform supports remote working, accessible from anywhere, at any time.

Get the job done and save time in the process.

The Pro­cess

The platform mirrors your business, and all users are set up for their roles.

A topline plan with media activities is set by brand or product.

Each activity is planned in detail with media, planned performances, and costs.

The activities are made ready for verification and approval from the platform.

When over, delivered performances are reported and made ready for review.

One source of truth

Agencies and Advertiser teams share constantly updated information to create a single data source - one source of truth.

Support quick decision making.

Take care of your team, have less stress, and more smiles.

Change your flow

Work smarter by avoiding double work.

Easy overviews with colour status codes.

Govern your investments by knowing what you are buying and if you got what you paid for.

Reduce complexity in media as it's less welcome than we think.

Platform and advisory

Our services are offered as a fixed annual subscription, dependent on market.

The platform is frequently updated to meet the requirements of changing developments in media.

The subscriptions include the necessary, but reasonable, number of users to support the required day-to-day way of working in order to make the transformation successful and long lasting.

We provide onboarding and traing with regular check-ins to make sure all is working well.

Start with a pilot

To show the value we can deliver to your business.

Involve your team early in the process.

Establish what good looks like and test how to achieve it with Wolf.

After an agreed scope and timeline we scale or stop.

Contact Steen for a conversation and intro.

Change your flow - Today!

Contact Steen Knudsen

 steen@wolfapp.net   +45 50 45 00 03 

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